"If you raise your hand and say, 'Gee, Ms. Smith, I haven't understood a single word you've said all day,' Ms. Smith is going to hate you. If you raise your hand and say, 'Gee, Ms. Smith, I haven't understood a single word you've said all week,' Ms. Smith is going to hate you five times as much. And if you raise your hand and say, 'Gee, Ms. Smith, I haven't understood a single word you've said all year,'
Ms. Smith is going to pull out a gun and shoot you."
I think this quote is exactly right and that nothing explains it better. People are taught in schools and at home, to not question authority, but if you don’t ask questions, you can never grow as a person. Here is a quote I found to back this up. “He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.” This shows, that we need to ask questions. No question is a stupid question.
I felt like this a lot in school as a kid but I still asked the hard questions. It just frustrated me too much to not know so I kept "bugging" the adults.
ReplyDeleteDo you feel like this at our school too? If so, how do you push yourself to still go ahead and ask those questions? What about at home? Church?
I really agree with your response to the quote you have chosen. I feel like you really put it into perspective when you make the reference to questioning authority. This is because it shows that this passage doesn't just apply to the classroom, it applies to the outside world as well. It raises a question for me though- do you always ask questions when you have them, or do you agree with Julie? Are you just as guilty as the rest of us? Also, how do you think we can change this expectation of the teacher hating the student for their lack of interest and comprehension?
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with you on this because it is the truth that we do need to ask questions so we can grow as a person. What would we do if we don't ask questions. We wouldn't be able to understand anything that is been taught to us. i Really like the extra quote that you put in your response to help you make your point.
ReplyDeleteHi Jadon, I like the quote you chose because you had good evidence to back it up. It made sense that we cant grow without questions and that they are what helps us understand. Good connection with the quote it made sense to the quote from the book, and they both kind of resembled the same idea.