Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nissan Leaf

This is the nissan leaf, it is an electric car that runs fully off battery. It can reach a speed of 90 mph and can hold charge for 100 miles. The nissan leaf takes 8 hours to fully charge, but there are going to be stations that will charge the car in 20 minutes, the problem with that is it will only charge 80%. This falls under the technology field.

The Leaf is a cool efficient car that will make it so we don't pollute the earth, but is it really going to make things easier for people? I don't think so because people aren't going to want to wait 20 minutes to get there car charged. There has been a tone of studying and working through kinks with the batteries and they found a way that will make it as fast to charge, that will hold charge and go the speed needed.

This is going to be talked about a little bit but I don't think it will be a huge subject this year. They are going to have to face with all the battery problems and how to get them all to preform right.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Video Games

The topic I picked was videogames. Video games are all over the world they are on computers, phones, PDA’s, and many more but it would be a very long list. Video games are in the world to influence and for entertainment. Video games can influence for good and for bad. They mostly influence for the bad because the most addiction and fun ones are the ones were you go around and shoot people. These influence people to think that it is okay to do the same outside of the virtual world and that is why there are more school shooting now then back in the day.
This subject falls under the entertainment category as I said above.

The reason I think this is a big deal is because people now are playing more video games and less active things. The people of 2010 are wasting there time looking at a screen and moving there thumbs when they could be outside doing things that make them healthy. The development of video games are getting bigger and bigger each day and that means that they are going to be more fun and interesting. Soon we might have video games where it is just like real life. That will make it so people reproduce that in the real world and that will make our lives not as safe. Video games imprint things into peoples minds, so if the video game says its okay to go around and kill other people, we are going to think that is okay in our everyday life.

This is going to become a very big topic this year and in years to come. People are going to keep playing video games and that is going to make companies keep making games that can be inappropriate, violent, and all those thing people call fun.

I think the main obstacle in video gaming is probably the parent of the kids who play games. They want there kids to be balanced and not just play video games but have a variety of things they can do.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mysics Goals

Goal: I want to try to show my work better when I do math problems.

First Step: Write the problem out and get everything on to paper, instead of trying to do everything in my head.

Goal: To be more organized in all my work/time management.

First Step: When I get an assignment either do it then or set a time out just for that one assignment.

Goal: Not worry about my grade as much and just work on understanding what I am being taught.

First Step: If I don’t understand, talk to a friend

Humanities Goals

Goal 1: I want to become a better writer by putting more sensory detail, and focus more into my paper. I want to become a writer that everybody want to read my papers.

Goal 2: I want to become a better reader and make it so that I feel comfortable to read in public.

Goal 3: Become some that people can talk to and ask questions.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Time Travelers

Project Description: This was an essay the I did that explained what my civilizations government which was Kush was like and how it functioned.

Process: I went through many different drafts to get to my final product. I started by getting random information and talking to my group and trying to find as much more information and compare what we all got. Then we wrote a rough draft that was reviewed by my group then I got my paper back and I wrote a first draft. that was then looked over and corrected by my mom and dad. I took it to Charlotte and she went over it and realized that my formate was all wrong so I took it back and pretty much wrote the whole paper again. After that draft I was able to right the final draft and got that graded from Charlotte which became my final grade.

Reflection: From my paper I learned that one there was a civilization named KUSH. Then I learned how much time has to be put into just siting your information. The biggest challenge I came across was formating my paper to the right standards. I think I needed more evidence in my paper so that people could go to my paper and know it is true facts. All my life I will need to show evidence and not go off of just one site or one source.

Here is my paper:
Jadon Cutler
Kush Civilization
Civilization is built on a number of ultimate principles...respect for human life, the punishment of crimes against property and persons, the equality of all good citizens before the law...or, in a word justice. This quote shows that there are a lot of aspects to civilization there are going to be ups and downs. But being civil means that not one person just has to be civil, everyone has to join together and respect one another. In the civilization Kush they were pretty well of and but there government was a monarchy which was not very productive. The government would do pretty much what ever they wanted, and didn’t help the cause of respecting others. There would be contention between the people and the ruler. Although a monarchy can be an effective form of government, for the Kush it proved over and over to be unsuccessful.

The Kush were a trade civilization located near the Nile River. They spoke the language Meroitic and Nubian. The main religion was an ancient Egyptian religion that was based on polytheism or, worshiping of many Gods. The Kush copied a lot that the Egyptians did like their religion, government, and their form of farming, this made it very easy because they didn’t have to figure out what worked or not because it was already used and shown. The Kush developed their own arts and kept good records through pictures and drawing. The civilization flourished from 1070s to 350 BC. In 780 BC the capital was moved to Napata but soon after was moved to Meroe were it stayed for the remainder of their existence. Kush was right next to the Nile River so there were a lot of advantages, one being that it was easy to trade. The way they would trade was by riding in little boats full of crops, weapons and more. Another advantage was that the land was really fertile so their crops would be easy to grow, harvest and plant. It also made it so the Kush wouldn’t have to always be watering and taking care of them because the crops already had a natural mother (Nile River) that would give it water and nutrients. Although that is one example of success the most important one that I found was having a representative looking over Egypt.

The Kush has many strengths, but one was that the ruler picked a person to be a representative and to communicate with Egypt because of how big of a role Egypt played in Kush. This was important and a good idea because they could share ideas and make sure that there is no hate between the two. Kush would make a lot of things out of iron so the government made it possible to make sculptures and weapons so that the Kush could sell them and have good strong weapons for war. Kush was smart to be friends with Egypt because they could easily take over Kush. The Kush started to have the idea of having a different government because of how there were starting to have representatives and not just have one main person in charge. There was a ruler named Piye, who in 727 BC, thought it would be a good idea to attack Egypt in a time that Egypt was trying to find the right ruler so Piye got his Norman ally to help him and together defeated Egypt and expanded Kush. Although they’re some strengths, there has to be weaknesses.

There will never be a civilization that doesn’t have any weaknesses, so lets see what Kush’s were. It seemed like they were headed in the right path by the ruler appointing a representative but that just wasn’t enough. They needed to have a set up government like we have today that would help the civilization run smoother and make it so laws and restrictions were put through the people so they could all agree on the matter. Later on in Kush’s history Kush’s ruling system was not running well like when they attacked Egypt, so Egypt thought it would be a good idea to get revenge so they went to war and defeated Kush. Kush definitely needed to improve their government yet they didn’t have enough materials to know how it should be put together. The Incans had a very close life style and were like the Kush in the government form.

The form of government that the Incas had was a monarchy. This form wasn’t very effective because it brought war between the people and the king/queen. Everybody wanted to be king so the people would go and kill the ruler and there family so that they could be king. But in few instances the government made it possible to expand by conquering different civilizations. There were ups and downs in this civilization. The government helped the poor fed the hungry and clothed the naked. The government helped the society grow and made a very helpful and peaceful society. Now in the long run was this form of government successful or not?

Any government is going to help and hinder the society but in this case I think that Kush was well set up and at time the rulers would make good decisions and make bad decisions. The ruler could always do what he wanted and you are never going to have the same ruler over the years. There are always going to be different rulers that do different things, they can abuse their power of use there power to help. So I don’t think there is one answer to this but over all I think they had some good rulers that helped the civilization. The government is always a big part of a civilization so I don’t think that this civilization was led to success through the many different rulers. I thought that having a representative made it so the ruler would not only see the side he wanted but he saw a little about what others wanted.

Over time, I don’t think that the Kush’s government was helpful and successful. But Kush had a good idea by appointing a representative to stay in touch with Egypt. Then they went and attacked Egypt, which expanded Kush for a while before it backfired and later Kush was over throne by Egypt. Monarchy is never a stable way to go. Because more than half of the time it never ends good, by the ruler doing whatever he/she wants or just by not having a government that worked well with people. “A monarchy is a merchantman, which sails well, but will sometimes strike on a rock and go to the bottom, whilst a republic is a raft which will never sink, but then your feet are always in water.”


Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt. 2 September 2009. 19 November 2009

Ancient African Civilization Series: Nubia The Black Kingdom Of Kush. 18 July
2009. 19 November 2009.

Martell, Nazel. The ancient World. New York: Scholastic Inc, September 1998.

O’Neil, Nmandon. Ancient Times. New Jersey: Cresent Books, 1992.

Pamela F. Service. The ancient African Kingdom of Kush. New York: Benchmark Books, c1998.

Time Travelers Pillar

Project Description: This is a painted project we did that represented our civilization. It had to be our civilization and the pillar we picked and for me it was government.

Process: I first researched some pictures of Kush Government then picked one and made it my own. I did a first draft and then had to do one more draft because mine wasn't the right concept. I got it signed off by Mele and then painted it.

Reflection: I learned that painting is much harder then just drawing it on paper. I had a hard time with the right size of brush that I used. I first had a very big brush and ended up doing my whole pillar again. I would have changed the color and I would spend more time on it because it will be on that pillar for awhile. I don't that this will help me later in life because I don't plan to be a artist, but it will teach me to spend more time on things like this.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Car show

I went to the car show on January 1st and it was amazing. The pics aren't that great because the lighting was horrible.