“Come here boy!” Edna yells to her dog as he comes screaming past her trying to stop, his hair flowing elegantly in the air.
“Good boy, you want a treat? Good boy!” Edna said as she runs inside tripping over the little rocks in her way to grab a dog bone, she comes back outside throws the treat to her dog, and goes back to her gardening. After an hour of sweating and hard work she takes off her pink gloves that look as if they were 100 years old, her finger tips popping out of the tops, little cuts all around them and they smelt like she had just pulled them right out of a garbage can. She walks to her porch, sits down and takes a drink of her ice-cold lemonade, when she hears someone crying. “Hello? Anybody there? Hello?” Edna walks inside and hears a girl crying. She turns around and sees her daughter. “Kelly? Why are you crying?” Edna says in a soft calm tone.
“Rob wants to divorce me,” Kelly said.
“Why would he want to do that? Look at you; you’re beautiful, nice, and sweet. And you’re only 25,” Edna said looking at Kelly’s sparkling green eyes.
“He said, ‘you get in the way of my gang life and I can’t keep taking care of you when you get sick’ that’s why he wants to get divorced,” she said in such a dark tone as if she wanted to go over and drive a knife through his heart.
“Why did you marry this guy again? Don’t answer that. So what are you going to do?” Edna asked. Kelly walks over to the bed and lies down. Her face was pale and starting to turn green, she starts coughing and spitting up blood. You could tell she was sick. “Your sick right?”
“Yeah I am really sick, that’s why he kicked me out today because he was sick of taking care of me, uhuh uhuh!” she said still coughing.
“We are going to call him right now,” Edna said fiercely as she pounded over to the phone. Ring ring ring, “Who the heck do you think you are?” she screamed into the phone! Her hair flying up in the air, like devil horns.
“Who are you? And why are you yelling at me?” Rob said calmly.
“This is your wife’s mother that’s who, who do you think you are trying to divorce Kelly just because she is sick?” Edna yells so loud her voice cracks and she lets out a cough that made Kelly jump. Edna’s eyes now blood shot.
“She isn’t worth wasting my life, I could be out having fun, but no, I have to take care of this sick woman. And I don’t get anything from it!” Rob said now screaming through the phone like Edna.
“Oh my gosh, you really think that going out, partying and being in a gang is better then having a beautiful wife that loves and cares for you? What goes on in that head of yours? She will be better soon and one day you will ask yourself, ‘why did I do that’ and she will be living peacefully with someone that loves her,” Edna explained.
“That’s all good for you but don’t you ever come crying to me one day saying, ‘please take her back I cant handle it anymore’ because I know that will happen one day. My brain functions fine but Kelly’s doesn’t!” Rob said in a very disgusting tone.
“Yes it is good for me, my daughter will be living with me what better can it get?” Edna said in a very stern tone.
“Stop giving me this stupid lecture and if you ever call me back I will do something that will make you regret you were ever living!” Rob said in a really dark and hateful tone. Click, the phone hung up.
“What a jerk! I don’t think we will be calling him for awhile!” Edna said now shaking in fear, her hair now settling down back over her beautiful green eyes.
Looking like she was going to pass out, Kelly starts to cough. “Uhuh uhuh uhuh!” her face now as green as Edna’s eyes. Kelly says half asleep, “What am I going to do?”
“Right now you are going to rest and try to get better!” Edna says as she walks over to Kelly and gives her some blankets. “Its getting late I am going to go to bed now, are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah I will be fine.”
“Alright good night,” Edna says walking up to her bed.
At 1:30 in the morning Edna wakes up to coughing and weird sounds, she runs down stairs to Kelly throwing up, half of her body hanging over the side of the bed. Blood was everywhere.
“I need a doctor,” Kelly tried to squeeze out of her mouth before she let out another load of fluids. Edna runs over to the phone falling over everything in her way.
“Hello, hello, I need a doctor now. HURRY!” Edna said to the medical help on the phone panicking.
“I will be right over!” said the doctor. Edna goes back to the bed and sees that Kelly doesn’t have a lot of time.
“What can I do for you?” Edna asks Kelly running around trying to do things for her. “She is going to die, she is going to die. It’s all my fault,” Edna thought to her self now panting from all the running.
The doctor gets to the house and knocks on the door. Edna runs over to the door and opens it, but by the time they get to the bed they saw Kelly had gone to a better place. Edna falls to the ground crying, rolling in all the blood. She didn’t care, her
daughter just died. The doctor covers Kelly with a blanket; they walk into the other room to talk about what to do.
The whole next day Edna works out where Kelly will be buried. It was Kelly’s wish to be buried on Edna’s land so Edna finds a way to make that happen.
That night Edna goes to sleep crying her eyes out thinking what to do next. She finally falls asleep, but at 3:00 she wakes up to footsteps on the roof. “What could this be?” Edna said as she walks to the window and sees this big van parked outside. She grabs a shotgun and walks down stairs.
“There are five of them and one of me,” Edna whispered to herself while she snuck around the wall and hit one of them across the head with the butt of the gun. As she rolled from room to room she realized that one of them was Rob her daughter’s husband. She yells out to him, “You better get out of my house right now Rob or you are going to regret ever living. Does that sound familiar? Yes it does because you were the dingbat that said it to my daughter! And guess what she is dead so you got your way!” Edna said very ferociously, like she was about to prance on them.
“You better go back to bed before someone gets hurt,” Rob yelled as she jumped from room to room.
“You are the one that’s steeling all my things after your wife just passed away. How about you put everything down and leave me to my peaceful home,” Edna suggested to Rob, still trying to get from room to room. She took one of the men out with one
“OWWWW you freaking devil. You better not take another shot,” The man that just got shot said when he saw a leg sticking out behind the wall. He picks up his M16 and unloads on her leg.
“ AHHHH is this what real men do now a days? Come into a house of a woman whose daughter just died the day before and taking all her things? You guys are pathetic.”
“Lets get out of here,” Said Rob. They start walking out when there was one last gunshot. Rob hits the ground.
“I told you that you should have left before something happened,” Edna said while she uses all the strength she has to get to the phone and dials 911.
Here is a link to my groups ZINE BOOK!!!!!!!
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