Hero Reflection
A hero is someone that changes the life of another person through there actions. Someone that helps make there community/world a better place for everybody.
The hero project got me to think what a hero really was and who qualifies to be a hero. The first thing that poped into my head when I heard the word hero I thought, "Super Hero." But no thats not the type of hero I wanted. This project was meant to change our perspective on heros and to broaden our thinking process of what a hero really is.
We started out naming Super Heros. And gradually went into people living on the earth right now that could be heroic. So we brainstormed different heros in our eyes. I ended up doing my mom because she is the ultimate hero. We went through the process of drafting. We rote our 1st draft and had a pier review with the other classes. Then went home and rote the 2nd draft. Brought that in and got it corrected by Charlotte (our amazing teacher). It was hard thinking how much she would have to say but I turned out okay. I made a final draft, marked all my corrections and turned it in for final revisions. I turned it into a template, made it look really good and then put it on my DP.
I learned a lot about my mom and got to go into deep and personal questions with her. There were a couple of different problems. Like formating my document and adding really descriptive language but over all it was good. If I were to do this again I would change a few questions and make the story more focused on the one heroic moment. I would try to put more detail and go into deeper thought to make the story more emotional and fun. It will make me think more and go into more thought about my subject. It broadened my learning process from a 6 to a 9 and made it so I could wright better and more interesting.
I picked wonder because in my story I wondered alot about how she would answer the questions and wondered why she used some answers because they seemed a little wierd.
jadon you're so cute!!!!