What struck me about this show was, one, how much corn is in everything we buy. Two, that people aren’t eating healthy because they cant afford it. I can’t believe that healthy food is growing more and more expensive because there is not much left of it.
I think that people should be encouraged to start a garden and buy from local farmers. It’s hard to live a sustainable lifestyle if we can’t find food that will support us and help us on that path.
We can be the people to change and, maybe start a little garden of our own, or buying from local famers. Whenever you buy food from places like, farmers market we are supporting them and not the big slaughterhouses or the infected food that is being put into stores.
When I was talking to my mom, she said, “I think it is healthier to eat from your own area and that by doing so you are supporting that farmer.” She also said, “It is a good skill for people to be self reliant, so they could start there own little garden and then throughout the years, it will grow and grow so that people don’t have to depend on others as much.” My mom also said, “I think it is exciting to watch things grow and I like to see the rewards of my hard work and efforts.” I agree with what my mom said because I was able to help her build our own garden right outside our house, and it feels good to go outside and pick a fresh fruit or vegetable and now that it has not been contaminated at all.